How To Develop A Credible Reputation In Real Estate

Your image as an agent is important how the world sees you plays a huge role in how you connect with people. I have had several mentors in life and at one point I was having lunch with a mentor and I can’t recall what we were discussing but I know it was related to real estate. I was asking her advice on business and she said 1 way I can start to improve was by “dressing better”.

Ordinarily, the average person would have been offended but not I. Personally, I appreciated the “tough love” advice. For me, when I hear things in a harsh or sharp tone it slaps me back into reality. I believe because I live so much in my head, I need a snap back into reality every occasionally. But this isn’t about me it’s about you and your image. I can’t tell you how many times I have met agent’s and on their business card the picture looks nothing like the person. In fact, this is a common observation that many consumers notice. The consumer is not just dying to see updated photos of you but you do want to be recognizable when people meet you in person. If someone says oh, you look different in person? You need an updated photo. The picture is either old and outdated or much to glamorous.

Your image should represent you 90% or above. When you have your professional head-shots done you should be recognizable and a little glamorous if you choose to be. It may surprise you, but if you are recognizable people may come up to you and speak. Especially if you have a large social media following, your “fans” will be excited to meet you in person. People will remember your face and/or name so make sure your image is aligned with what you represent.

Here are some tips on how to build a lasting and memorable image:

1. Build up confidence in your look

You may gain confidence by losing weight, buying a new outfit, or donning a new hairdo. You decide what you are most comfortable with me. For me it was all the above, I lost a few pounds, changed my hair and bought a new dress! This boost my confidence way up and it showed in my pictures and in my energy. I started happily sharing my successes and photos all over Social Media and I was charming to meet in person. Those positive experiences led to an even higher ego boost.

2. Mind Your Manners

Be friendly, approachable, speak kindly to others, be professional, smile as much as possible you never know who is watching. Remember what I said about your nemesis earlier? Like your nemesis, your next client could be walking right by you at the grocery store, she could be lady next to you at the nail salon, he could be introduced to you at a networking event by a friend. You never know where your next lead is coming from so always be mindful of your manners. People will remember you and who you treated them when they met you in person.

3. Hire a Professional Photographer

I cannot emphasize this enough! Your pictures matter! My pictures have taken me so far, my pictures are so high quality I can post them in a magazine or on social media. That’s the level of photography you want to hire. People like to work with attractive people, I wish I could I say it in a nicer way but that’s just the truth. If you can be attractive on your pictures and in person that’s a winning combination! Make sure your background is quality as well. You don’t want a tree backdrop or purple wall. Choose settings that can work for any type of marketing. Remember you can add your picture to postcards, magazines, business cards, Facebook ads, Guest Speaker panels, networking fliers, Chamber of Commerce websites, etc. Choose various photos that bring out your personality. Also, make sure your photographer uses good lighting.

4. Hire a Professional Makeup Artist

A beauty tip intended for women but any one may apply this tip as applicable. First, let me say I am proponent of natural beauty! However, image is everything it will be helpful to have a Professional MUA artist at least “beat” your face for your professional photo-shoot. After that, choose makeup at your own discretion.

5. Have a Professional Photo-shoot

A professional shoot is essential for marketing yourself! With quality photos you can put your photo on billboards, postcards, fliers, websites, social media and even thumbnails for videos. It’s important that you have a transparent background or simple background so that your photograph can be easily applied to various types of marketing deliverers. Don’t limit yourself to “head-shots” at your professional photo-shoot. Choose to bring props. A few suggestions would be a Just Listed sign, Just Sold sign, Open House sign, etc. Pick more than one type of head-shot, try a sideways shot, book cover shot, serious look, funny face, smiling face, big smile, small smile, etc. Have fun at the shoot! Take advantage of your camera guy, it’s your day to feel like a celebrity!

6. Dress Better

Your clothes should always reflect you. Use your attire to communicate to your clients who you are as a professional real estate agent. If you choose to go super casual, I suggest you be above average with your knowledge and expertise. You will have to fight an uphill battle if you are not known and dressed too casually to be considered “professional”. If you choose professional or high fashion you will turn many heads and some clients will be drawn to you for your “look”. Take this as a compliment and run with the opportunity to impress your audience. Don’t disappoint them, make sure you know your real estate basics and a few market trends you will impress them! Either way get ready for referrals and leads to start flowing in by putting your professional foot forward in dress. Always be neat and polished, be casual chic if you must. Always look reasonably put together. Remember, people like to do business with attractive people.

7. Make Public Appearances

Your public appearances should be like mini celebrity events. You should always have a good showing, consider yourself “staged” when you go out. It’s your professional costume. Your hair should be well kept, your make-up should be done, your wardrobe should be striking. For women, if you go out and you get many compliments you have had a successful “Public Appearance”. This may sound shallow but the reality is we live in a shallow world. People do pay attention to looks regardless of what they may believe in their hearts. I am sure we all would like to believe we are not “those people” but inside each of us there’s a Shallow Hal. For men, you will know you are working this strategy correctly if people are naturally navigating toward you and have sparked conversations with you. If no one approaches you at your Public Appearance, walk up to a crowd and see how you are received, if you are welcomed in and your time is extended you have worked it. If people are politely acknowledging you but the impact of your presence is minimum, you will likely need to improve your image or be more open in conversation. An easy way to always improve your “image” is by updating your wardrobe, cologne/fragrance, hair, conversation or personality.

8. Be Prepared to “Talk Real Estate”

Real estate is a hot topic at almost any party. People love to ask, “how’s the market?” or they know someone who just moved or is thinking of moving or someone has a friend that just bought a house. Everyone loves to be in the know! Be prepared with some information to share, let your audience lead how you respond if you are at networking event. Don’t push real estate down anyone’s throat with questions like “do you want to buy a house”, let your audience naturally inquire about you and get to know you, they will usually ask you a few test questions to see how knowledgeable you are, be ready! You want to pass with flying colors they may be your next lead or a referral of your next lead. Every real estate agent, should be prepared for questions like “how’s the market?”, “how long have you been in real estate?”, “do you work with buyers or sellers?” and “which area do you work?”. Make sure you have these answers ready to roll out in a professional concise manner. Remember you are professional.

9. Have Professional Business Cards

When attending a networking event, your business card is like the car you pulled up in. Make sure you have a WOW factor card! Your card should be thick, durable, professional, have a great photo and have a call to action or memorable slogan. Professionally, I think it’s a good idea to have a matte finish over a polished finish. Occasionally you will meet someone that does not have a card on them and they will want to write their information down on your business card. With a matte finish you can make this happen!

As far as having a professional image is concerned you can see that many facets need to come together for congruence. The consistency in your image will eventually develop into your “brand” you will start to be known for being a sharp dresser, a good speaker, a knowledgeable agent, the agent with the red tie, whatever quirk you have use it to your advantage to differentiate you from other agents.  An image is in place to make you memorable. It is not about impressing anyone or proving that you are good enough. It is simply a way to present your best self to the world and to attract prospects to work with you. People like to do business with people they know, like and trust. I encourage you package your image up and go show it off at places where it will be well received, where people will willingly want to know, like and trust you.