What If You Can Not Understand Flirting

The first thing most men do when meeting women is asking questions. Though questions can be good to find out more about her, they can be intrusive especially in the beginning because there is not enough trust and rapport established yet. That is why it is important when you approach a random woman that you do eighty percent of the talking and slowly handing the conversation to her.

Eventually the dialogue should be 50/50. We talked about avoiding questions such as ‘Oh, where are you from?’ or ‘What do you do?’ You can start by practicing through sharing stories of your experiences. Good story themes demonstrate that you are willing to take risks, protector of loved ones, and that you are desired by other women. The underlying context of your stories has to come from a place of you being vulnerable, humble, and grateful. Otherwise you could come across as arrogant and full of yourself.

One of the most powerful tools to build attraction with women is flirting. Flirting is the secret code in speaking the language of attraction. It can be hard to grasp and confusing to most men. You can see it happening like a dance back and forth but you can’t put your finger on it and identify the framework behind it.

Best Ways To Flirt

The best way flirting made sense to me when I first started learning it, is summarized in two words; arrogance and humor. Arrogance alone will make you come across as full of yourself and insecure. It is a turn off. Humor by itself will make you come across as a goofy clown. She won’t take you seriously. Mix them together and you have the secret sauce! Because it is hard to explain, let me see if I can put it in an example for you.

If you are out shopping with a woman and the cashier asks you if you are together, meaning are you paying together, you could take a step further and say “well, she wants me bad but I am playing hard to get.” Or if she tells you “I got to go to bed early tonight”, you can say “Bed? Who do you think I am, the kind of guy who goes to bed with someone on the first date? What happened to getting to know each other first?”.

You will usually get a light slap on your shoulder. That is a good sign it worked. If she doesn’t laugh, she doesn’t have a sense of humor and may need to cut the date short. That is flirting.

Basically, you want to say the things that a woman would say to a man who is pursuing her. You are flipping the roles around.

You’re the catch and she is the pursuer. It is funny and it says all the right things. Loosen up when you go out! Have fun with it! Flirting is hard to master, but with time and practice you become better at it.

Don’t be afraid to be childlike just don’t be childish. It is the hidden language that women respond best to. It triggers female emotions and it happens on a subconscious level. It is magic!.