Failing At Making A Good First Impression

Importance of Physical Appearance

Apart from appeasing her emotional state of mind, physical appearance also plays an important role in the world of attraction.

While it’s not necessary that looks is a deciding factor in attraction, the way you carry yourself is extremely important. A clean look and good fashion sense may not determine if you are a good fit, but at least it won’t disqualify you in round one. You only got fifteen seconds to make an impression and help her decide whether you are a “no”, or a “Maybe. Let’s find out what comes out of his mouth.” Women are keen on fashion, grooming, hygiene, and especially the shoes you’re wearing. So, ask a female friend to take you out shopping, they won’t steer you wrong, unless she likes you and secretly want to date you herself.

She may pick out some jumbo clown shoes on purpose, knowing you are going to get turned down. However, mostly, women love to help men look their best. Turn a date into a shopping spree and you may just get rewarded in the dressing room as she is tucking your shirt in or taking it off!.

Importance of Body Language

As for body language, it is over fifty percent of what you say. Slouchy backs, hands in pockets, leaning in too much, not smiling, fidgeting and acting nervous are all signs of lack of confidence and it is a turnoff for women. Make sure you are conscious and confident of your posture.

Having good posture automatically makes a man look and sound more confident when he speaks. Sitting upright, being courteous to people, and being hygienic are all very important for women in creating an approachable first impression that can either qualify you to move forward to the next round or out of the game forever!.

Carrying Yourself The Correct Way

Don’t ever seem to be overly confident either. Women hate cocky men, and tend to think that they are overcompensating for a lack of something. Know where to draw the line between too forward and too reserved. Knowing this boundary will get you in many places, including her pants.

Watch James Bond movies or Ryan Gosling in Crazy Stupid Love, or Will Smith in Hitch and watch how they walk, how they talk to women, and how they carry themselves.

Learn The Best First Impression Tactics From The Best

Surround yourself with successful men and you become successful yourself. Buy them lunch and pick their brain. If you are being cool and humble enough to admit that you need help, most guys will help. Just don’t try to justify or defend “yeah I know this, I don’t do that, etc” Listen, take mental notes, and thank them for their help.

I hired a coach and it was the best investment. That’s when I started seeing quantum leap results that I never thought possible and my life started becoming an adventure.