Do Not Take Her Seriously

One of the biggest mistakes men make is holding a woman accountable to her word. Women sometimes will say one thing and do another because they act on how they feel and then justify their actions with logic. So when it comes to romance it’s impossible to hold her accountable to her word in the future, and frankly it doesn’t make sense.

Understand that if she said she will call you back later, chances are she won’t. Women sometimes give men their phone numbers with no intentions to get with them. It could be because she is bored or want to feel desirable at the moment. Maybe she want to make another guy jealous or she want to compete with another woman. If she say let’s get together Wednesday next week, chances are she may not. She may tell you that just to get you out of her hair.

Women respond to how they feel on a moment to moment bases when it comes to romance. It is more like a light switch with a dimmer, where she is slowly turned on. For men it is more like an ON/OFF switch. It doesn’t take long to get turned on. If she is into you today and feeling sexy, that doesn’t mean she will be next Wednesday when she is doing laundry and her dog needs a bath. If she is not feeling sexy, she won’t hesitate to send you a last-minute text canceling a date and it is completely justifiable in her world.

Instead of getting upset and making her wrong for not honoring her word, make it as a no big deal. You have better things to do with your time anyway than waiting around for her. She’s missing out on being in your presence. Shrug it off. Do not try to reschedule even if she asks you to.

Simply say “No worries, life happens, let’s play it by ear.” Always give off the vibe that you have better things to do, but reward her with a good experience when she hangs out with you. Do not give off the vibe that you are sitting around moping, waiting for her. Avoid that needy vibe. Then a week later reengage.