Do Not Put Her On A Pedestal

Attractive women get treated favorably by society all the time, but particularly by men place them on pedestals. They get invited to dinners, they don’t pay cover charge at clubs, they skip the line when entering asocial venue, and they get showered with gifts and favors by needy men.

These are not attraction elements that women respond well to. Sure, women say that they want all the attention in the world and they often claim they’d like to get treated like princesses and given expensive things, but this notion of material affinity only comes after emotional stimulation. If she doesn’t feel attraction towards you, then no amount of gifts, favors, and attention will change her heart.

On the contrary, you will be sentenced to the “friend zone” with twelve other men who lost their nuts somewhere in her purse. Or, if you are lucky you become an “orbiter” who hovers around a woman offering his services, doing favors, buying gifts and when he makes a move on her, she gives him the “I don’t think of you this way. Lets just be friends.” Ouch. Of course, she doesn’t want to get intimate with you and lose the benefits of your services for the sake of romance. She is probably getting romance from the guy who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anything except his own life. He may even be a jerk who pushes her away and mistreat her at times.

It’s refreshing for a woman to find a man like that. Not the jerk and emotionally unstable part, but the fact that he is occupied by his life and pursuing his purpose. The fact that he doesn’t put her on a pedestal. It is an emotional high that is different, makes her curious and wanting to chase you, because you are unavailable and don’t need her to complete you.

How Do You Know You Are An Orbiter?

If you find yourself going extensively out of your way to please a woman, then you may be an orbiter.
If you find yourself doing favors and she doesn’t reciprocate or she flakes from meeting up with you or make dumb excuses why she is not able to meet you, then you, my friend, may just be an orbiter.

My suggestion is drop her like she’s hot! Rather than trying to find a ‘princess’ who has several demands for you to meet, search for someone who you can feel comfortable talking to. Rather than forming the basis of attraction on gifts and other favors, make it about how you feel around each other and what value do you contribute to each other’s lives. Treat her as an equal in the social hierarchy, not as a beautiful woman who is entitled, but as a person. That would interrupt her reality and she may fight you to remain on the pedestal, but deep inside she is loving the treatment. She has been waiting for a man to finally say no and sweep her off her pedestal and her feet!

Signs of putting her on a pedestal is if you find yourself telling her how beautiful she is and how lucky you are to be with her. Turn it around in a cheeky way. Make her feel lucky to be with you. Tell her you won’t charge her for hanging out with you. Again, be cheeky not arrogant. Don’t forget to smile!