Brand Yourself Without Fear

It can’t be expressed enough how important it is to share with everyone you know that you are in real estate. As a real estate professional, my business has come from literally come from everywhere. From Instagram Posts, Facebook Messenger responses, LinkedIn Profile, referrals from members in Professional Associations, Open Houses, Door Knocking, For Sale by Owners, and my sphere of influence.

You may not realize it but you “touch” people everywhere you go. The wonderful thing that I can appreciate about life is we are all just degrees away from someone that can help us change our lives! I know it may sound kind of corny or even quirky but I promise you there is someone waiting for you to be successful. Les Brown speaks about you have greatness within you, I truly believe this! It’s your duty to live up to your full potential because you don’t know who you may inspire! I’d like to take a moment to share exactly what I did that worked for me in terms of self-promotion.

1. Started a young professionals home ownership series: This was a first-time home buying workshop for professionals 25-40. I had at least 10-20 attendees the first class.

2. Talked to people: I attended as many networking events as possible, I sparked up conversations with strangers, I handed my business cards out and I followed up regularly by sending them an email. I added all the people I met to a free newsletter database offered by my local Association.

3. Expressed myself: Don’t be afraid to let your inner personality out. For me, I used my social media profile to speak up regarding controversial issues that affected my hometown. This resonated with several people and helped me to increase my social media presence.

4. Created a buzz: I started being active on Social Media by posting 3-5 times per day, I always shared motivation quotes or pictures of me just living my life. Like minded individuals were drawn to me and still seek out my advice to this day.

5. Supported others: If there is one thing I say I do extremely well that is championing greatness. If someone has a great idea, product or service I will openly support and promote it with excitement as if it were my own. I get super excited for the success of others! I make sure that I support individuals I am inspired by. Believe it or not when you support others you indirectly get support back. It may not be from that same person but maybe someone that follows you or follows them. Most people like positive people.

Some ways you can start promoting yourself:

1. Host workshops: This will take some creativity on your part to come up with ideas. The toughest part of this task will be creating an idea that is needed but not saturated with other real estate agents already working the same angle. In my market area, home buying workshops are overdone in my opinion I think a great opportunity would be to create an online webinar where buyers can simply watch the seminar and start and stop it at their leisure. Hosting an event or workshop is a great way to get your name out there because hosting gets your name on the flier, maybe your picture as well. If you promote the event, people will see your name on a regular basis and become familiar with you. In real estate, people need to know who you are, so the more exposure you get the better!

2. Talk to people: I know you may be thinking, duh. But it is not as simply understood as you may think. I heard somewhere before that real estate is a “talk to people” business. I don’t disagree. One thing for certain, you will be given plenty of opportunities to speak as a real estate agent take advantage of each. When you attend a networking event, your local chamber meeting, or career fairs, etc. show everyone what you know about real estate. I recommend attending free and paid events so that you can meet many different people. Obviously, if you can attend an event specified for your target client that is a definite go-to event. This may mean sponsoring a luncheon for home buyers, credit repair workshop, etc. Or attend an event serving your specialty or niche market.

3. Be Yourself: Choose to be yourself in a way that will resonate with others and gain trust from a supportive core base of fans. Perhaps, you could dispel a common real estate myth or even you could tell an industry secret that most agents know but that the consumers are unaware. I encourage you to share a little piece of your personality and stance on life outside of real estate. People love doing business with “real” people, they want to connect with someone that they can relate to. You can and will build an audience around whoever you are. I strongly advise against sharing derogatory, negative, or offensive political, ethnic, or religious content publicly.

4. Have high energy: Be active in your community, online, and in person. Be energetic and make people feel excited when you show up. Enter the room with presence where others will wonder “who is this guy/gal?” When you leave a room, you should feel the tension build up where everyone was just soaked up in your presence. There should always be a slight linger in any conversation you end. The goal is to get people talking about you when you leave or at least feeling warm and fuzzy after an interaction with you.

5. Support others: By purchasing their products, sharing their work, attending their classes, and congratulating them – This cannot be emphasized enough, when you support others they will support you. I have connected with phenomenal business men and women because I supported them when I saw them doing well. Another tip is when you support highly successful people you create instant credibility for yourself. Everyone loves a successful person when you show the world that you appreciate success, people will start to naturally navigate toward you.

6. Celebrate your successes: show you are actively working on your craft. If you are door knocking shoot a quick video on your phone, if you are hosting an open house shoot a quick video at the house, share your travel stories, birthday parties, happy hours etc. Show your community how you are living life. Post your closings or send out an email or postcard to show your recent closings.

The most important thing you need to remember about self-promotion is “Get Out There”! You should get to know people, tell them your story, why are you in real estate, what’s driving you, what can you help them do? One final note, don’t limit yourself to family and friends make connections all over. You have no idea where your next lead can come from, it may surprise you.

Be mindful that most people you meet are not going to be ready to purchase real estate at the time that you meet them. Most your business is going to come from people that may not be buying or selling for another 6 months, a year, maybe even 2 years. So, does this mean you just wait until they are ready to buy or sell a home? No. Of course not, you go self-promote and make things happen in the meantime! This is the reason it is important to have a CRM in place so that you can follow-up with them as they prepare for home ownership. So, while you are out promoting your successes, when you do come back to friends and family they will be more trusting of you and maybe even ready to buy or sell some real estate with you! They will feel like you are “accomplished” now.  Remember, people love to be associated with success if you can show them your successes, you will win them over and create 6 figures for yourself.