How To Avoid Sense Of Shame And Guilt Insecurity

We’ve already established that most men tend to walk on eggshells around women. They have a sense of shame and guilt about their intentions of wanting to get closer. These men do that by being overly nice, politically correct, well behaved and proper. As a result, this makes women feel uncomfortable around them as they can’t trust them. “Only if she finds out what’s going on in my head and the nasty things I would like to do to her in bed, then she will never want to have anything to do with me!” That little voice in your head may say.

Want to know a little secret?

Women want intimacy more than men! If you watch soap operas you’ll understand them better and what sometimes hook them. Weird fetish fantasies. Women do not display it because they do not want to be labeled as promiscuous. Not surprisingly, when you bring it up they tend to get turned off. This is a big secret in the “woman’s world”. However, this is how our brain is wired.

To desire women. But keep it under wraps until she feels comfortable enough with you, then slowly start calibrating her temperature. Do little things that gradually turn her on. What if that is what she is desperately waiting for? A man that makes no apologies for being a man and going after what he wants!

Things You Could Do To Get The Intimacy You Both Desire Be your true self. Let your natural masculinity shine like the afternoon sun. Don’t hesitate to approach a beautiful woman because you’re shy about expressing your interest in her. Don’t put on a guise. Be yourself through and through. It will pay off in the end. When you let your best qualities stand out by demonstrating them and not talking about them, it gives the woman an image of confidence in you. If she doesn’t respond favorably, at least she will respect you for being honest about your intentions and she may trust you now that she at least knows your intentions. In the end, it is a numbers game. The more doors you knock, the more doors will open, and the more chances you will get a yes.

Women look for men who are comfortable with their preferences and shameless about it. They are usually attracted to men who are willing to be vulnerable and willing to make a fool out of himself in their pursuit for love. Someone who is real. Don’t be scared to escalate physically and get rejected. It is part of the process. In fact, she is not typically rejecting you she is rejecting your approach.

She won’t say yes, the first time, but if you are cool and composed in how you handle it, then the next time you make a move she will maybe give a yes. It is your job to physically escalate not hers.

Women do not want to be labeled sluts. They want you to be the one responsible for the procedures that will occur. She want to tell her friend at coffee that one thing led to another and it just happened. It wasn’t her idea. However, do not become a vulture and keep stalking her waiting for the dead remain sand end up catching a stalking/street harassment or rape case.

Do Not Become ‘Too’ Manly Always respect and honor her NO. Never push yourself on her. Women are ALWAYS testing to see if you are a chump or a champ. Are you going to get upset and throw a tantrum if she says no or are you going to give her space and try again later? Remember she want to be seduced but on her terms.

Your job is to always be closing. Always lead the interaction forward with caution. Let her handle the brakes.